Environmental Responsibilty
Open Spaces Group
Following the Planning for Real initiative the Forres Green Spaces Group has been set up and meets monthly to share projects and progress. Those attending represent: Forres in Bloom; Cluny Woods Management Plan; Sanquhar Ponds Group; Incredible Edibles; Transition Town Forres; Forres Fields and Forest Group; Forres Footpaths Trust; Mosset Burn Conservation Group; Sustrans; Moray Council Community Support Unit; Planning and Open Spaces Departments.
This is enabling a more co-operative and cohesive approach to managing Environmental Responsibility.
- Cluny Hill Management Plan has been completed and public consultation will be organised post COVID
- Mosset Burn Management Plan has been completed in partnership with Findhorn Rivers Trust and riparian stakeholders. Funding is being sought to develop plans.
- Sanquhar Ponds Group has secured funding to improve paths and continue to clear invasive species
- Moray Council in consultation with the community has identified locations and begun to create wild flower areas.
Year Round
- Clearing of detritus and regular litter picks
- Sorting waste at nursery
- Composting green waste, food waste and plant material
- Transferring brown waste to recycling centre
- Supporting Joe Pirnie with town litter picking
- Feeding birds and red squirrels and providing insect winter homes
- Replanting bulbs from containers throughout town at beds on St Leonard’s Road and at Auchernack
- Washing empty pots and trays for reusing
- Potting up Fuchsias
- Removing dahlias and begonias from winter storage and potting up using riddled compost from our own compost bins
- Splitting and replanting perennials in Grant Park, Sunken Garden and herb bed at Anderson’s Primary School
- Saving polyanthus for next year from War Memorial
- Constructing new lids for cold frames using recycled wood
- Continuing work by TESCO work party in War Veterans’ Garden
- Preparing containers for Summer planting and using old compost as mulch on beds throughout the town
- Purchasing new hanging baskets and containers with reservoirs to reduce watering
- Planting plugs in recycled trays donated by Greens Nursery and Village Greenery flower shop
- Purchase of a Ride on Mower and Gator
- Donated ride on trailers and Small bowser
- Cleaning streetscape and regular litter picks
- Using saved water for Wee FIBbees garden and greenhouses
- Repairing watering system to Park beds and sculptures to conserve water
- Recycling Fire Wheel from Colours of Cluny Lights display
Wild Places
Several areas are being left less formally planted for biodiversity. We intend to create more of these in future.
- Grant Park
- Sunken Garden
- Raised beds on St Leonards Road
- Wee FIBbees garden
- Mosset Burn Banks
- Market Green
- Bogton Road